Tank Gauge and Calculator

How to Calculate the Cost of Propane for Your Home

July 30, 2024

Understanding your home’s energy costs is crucial for effective budgeting and making informed decisions about your heating system. If you’re using propane to heat your home or power various appliances, calculating your propane cost can help you manage your expenses and potentially identify areas for savings. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the process of calculating your propane cost and provide insights to help you optimize your propane usage.

Calculator and Tank Gauge

Learn how to calculate your propane costs and take control of your home’s energy budget.

Factors Affecting Propane Cost

Before diving into the calculation process, it’s important to understand the various factors that influence your propane cost:

  1. Market Price: The current market price of propane can fluctuate based on supply and demand, global energy markets, and seasonal factors.
  2. Location: Your geographical location can affect propane cost due to transportation expenses and regional market conditions.
  3. Usage Volume: Typically, purchasing larger quantities of propane can result in a lower per-gallon price.
  4. Delivery Frequency: More frequent deliveries may incur additional fees, affecting your overall propane cost.
  5. Contract Type: The type of contract you have with your propane supplier (fixed-rate, variable-rate, or pre-buy) can impact your propane cost.
  6. Tank Ownership: Whether you own your propane tank or lease it from the supplier can affect your overall costs.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculating Your Propane Cost

Now that we understand the factors that affect propane cost, let’s dive deeper into how to calculate your propane cost so you can make the most well-informed decision for you and your family. Here are the steps:

1. Determine Your Propane Usage

The first step in calculating your propane cost is to determine how much propane you use. You can find this information on your propane bills or by checking your tank levels before and after a specific period.

To calculate your usage:

Initial tank level – Final tank level = Propane used

Assuming that your propane gauges measures in percentages, for example, if your tank was at 80% at the beginning of the month and 30% at the end, you’ve used 50% of your tank’s capacity.

2. Convert Percentage to Gallons

To convert the percentage used to gallons, you need to know your tank’s capacity. Common residential propane tank sizes include 120, 250, 500, and 1,000 gallons.

Gallons used = (Percentage used ÷ 100) × Tank capacity

Using our previous example with a 500-gallon tank: Gallons used = (50 ÷ 100) × 500 = 250 gallons

3. Determine Your Propane Price

Contact your propane supplier to get the current price per gallon. Propane prices can vary (e.g., based on volume, seasonality, availability, market conditions, etc.), so it’s important to use the most up-to-date information for an accurate propane cost calculation.

Let’s say your current propane price is $3.554 per gallon, which was the value in Connecticut on June 10, 2024.

4. Calculate Your Propane Cost

To calculate your propane cost, simply multiply the number of gallons used by the price per gallon:

Propane cost = Gallons used × Price per gallon

Using our example: Propane cost = 250 gallons × $3.554 = $889

This equation gives you the basic propane cost for the period you’re calculating.

5. Account for Additional Fees

Some propane suppliers may charge additional fees such as delivery charges, hazmat fees, or tank rental fees. Be sure to add these to your calculation for a more accurate total propane cost.

Remember, in Connecticut, fuel providers are not permitted to fill tanks that belong to others. So, take that cost into consideration as well if you’re considering changing providers.

For example, if you have a $50 delivery fee: Total propane cost = $625 + $50 = $675

Estimating Annual Propane Cost

Get a rough estimate of your annual propane costs with this simplified calculation method below.

While estimating your annual propane cost can be helpful for budgeting purposes, it’s important to note that professional energy providers use more sophisticated methods to calculate usage and costs. These often include factors such as degree days, home size, insulation quality, and historical usage patterns. Also, to estimate your annual propane cost, you’ll need to consider seasonal variations in usage. Propane consumption is typically higher during winter months for heating purposes. The following is a simplified method that can give you a rough estimate, but keep in mind that actual costs may vary:

  1. Calculate your average monthly usage during the heating season (usually October to March).
  2. Calculate your average monthly usage during the non-heating season (April to September).
  3. Multiply each by the number of months in that season.
  4. Add the two totals together for your estimated annual usage.
  5. Multiply this by your current propane price per gallon.

For example:

Heating season average: 250 gallons per month × 6 months = 1,500 gallons

Non-heating season average: 50 gallons per month × 6 months = 300 gallons

Annual usage estimate: 1,500 + 300 = 1,800 gallons

Estimated annual propane cost: 1,800 gallons × $3.554 = $6,397

Remember, this is a basic calculation and may not reflect your actual costs. For a more accurate estimate, it’s best to consult with your propane provider. They can take into account additional factors such as contractual agreements, budget plans, and potential price fluctuations throughout the year. Many providers offer personalized usage projections and flexible payment options to help manage your energy costs more effectively.

Tips for Reducing Your Propane Cost

Understanding your propane cost is the first step towards optimizing your usage and potentially reducing your expenses. Here are some strategies to help lower your propane cost:

  1. Improve Home Insulation: Better insulation can reduce heat loss, lowering your propane consumption for heating.
  2. Use a Programmable Thermostat: This system can help you use propane more efficiently by automatically adjusting temperatures based on your schedule.
  3. Maintain Your Propane Appliances: Regular maintenance ensures your appliances operate at peak efficiency, potentially reducing propane consumption.
  4. Consider a Pre-Buy or Fixed-Rate Fuel Contract: These options can protect you from price fluctuations and potentially lower your overall propane cost.
  5. Reduce Hot Water Usage: Since water heating often accounts for a significant portion of propane usage, reducing hot water consumption can lower your propane cost.
  6. Monitor Your Usage: Regularly tracking your propane usage can help you identify unusual spikes and address potential issues promptly.

The Valiant Energy Solutions Advantage

While understanding your propane cost is an important step in managing your home energy expenses, it’s crucial to recognize that each homeowner or business has unique energy needs. Factors such as property size, insulation quality, heating system efficiency, and personal comfort preferences all play significant roles in determining your actual fuel requirements and costs.

That’s why speaking with a fuel specialist is the most effective way to get an accurate assessment of your specific situation. At Valiant Energy Solutions, our experts can analyze the factors unique to your property and usage patterns, helping you understand not just your propane costs, but also identify potential areas for savings tailored to your distinct scenario.

Ready to get a clear picture of your energy needs and discover ways to save? Contact us today!