Is Your Furnace Guilty of Stealing Your Hard-Earned Money?

Are you experiencing sky-high energy bills despite not using any more electricity than usual? If so, your furnace may be to blame. With the winter months bringing colder temperatures and more frequent use of your heating system, it’s important to make sure your furnace is operating efficiently and not costing you more money than necessary. Regular maintenance and repair are key to avoiding unnecessary furnace repair costs. Read on to learn more about how to keep your furnace running smoothly and your energy bills low.

Understanding the Connection between Your Furnace and Energy Bills

Your furnace plays a significant role in your energy consumption, especially during the cooler months, and can greatly impact your monthly bills. During the winter, for example, your furnace works tirelessly to keep your home warm. But if it’s not operating efficiently, it can consume more energy than necessary. This means your energy bills will reflect the extra energy your furnace is using.

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure your furnace is operating at its best. Cleaning or replacing filters, checking and adjusting thermostat settings, and inspecting the furnace for any wear and tear can go a long way in improving efficiency and reducing energy costs.

Hvac technician

Maintaining your furnace ensures it will always operate at peak performance.

Now that we understand the relationship between your furnace and energy costs, in the next sections, we will explore the signs that indicate your furnace is to blame for high energy bills, the reasons why this may be happening, and effective solutions to improve your furnace’s efficiency and lower your monthly utility payment.

Signs that Your Furnace May Be the Culprit Behind High Energy Bills

As much as we rely on our furnaces to keep us warm during the winter months, as mentioned, you want to ensure they’re in tip-top shape. Look out for these signs:

  1. Constantly running: If your furnace seems to be running non-stop, even when your home is already at a comfortable temperature, it could be a sign of an inefficient furnace. This constant cycling can result in higher energy consumption and ultimately, higher bills.
  2. Uneven heating: Do you notice some rooms in your home are colder than others? This could indicate that your furnace is struggling to distribute heat evenly. As a result, you may be cranking up the thermostat in those colder rooms, leading to increased energy usage.
  3. Strange noises: If your furnace is making banging, rattling, or squealing noises, it could be a sign of underlying issues. These issues can cause your furnace to work harder than it needs to, using more energy in the process.
  4. Old age: Like any appliance, furnaces have a lifespan. If your furnace is over 15 years old, it may not be as efficient as newer models. Older furnaces often require more energy to produce the same amount of heat, leading to higher energy bills.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to have your furnace inspected by a professional. They can diagnose any problems and provide solutions to improve your furnace’s efficiency and lower your energy bills.

Other Reasons Why Your Furnace Is Causing High Energy Bills

As much as we rely on our furnaces to keep us warm during the winter months, they may be other reasons behind monthly “sticker shock” in the winter. Let’s take a closer look.

One possible reason is poor insulation. If your home is not properly insulated, the warm air generated by your furnace can easily escape, forcing your furnace to work harder and consume more energy in order to maintain a comfortable temperature. Insufficient insulation in the walls, attic, or windows can all contribute to this problem.

how to reduce energy bills

Insulation is a simple, cheap, easy (yet often overlooked) way to improve the energy efficiency of your home including its furnace.

Another common cause is air leaks. When there are gaps or cracks in your home’s windows, doors, or ductwork, cold air from outside can seep in, causing your furnace to work overtime to compensate for the loss of heat. These air leaks not only lead to higher energy bills but also result in an uncomfortable living environment.

Finally, aside from age, it’s also important to consider the general condition of your furnace itself. A poorly maintained furnace can experience issues such as dirty or clogged filters, worn-out parts, or malfunctioning thermostats. These problems can cause your furnace to work less efficiently and use more energy than necessary.

We Can Help

Yes, your furnace is an absolute requirement in the winter months. But it doesn’t have to consume your monthly heating bills.

By learning the cautionary signs, exploring the reasons behind poor furnace performance and implementing several solutions to mitigate these issues, you can ensure that your furnace is not stealing your hard-earned money through unnecessarily high energy bills. Taking proactive steps to maintain and optimize your furnace will not only save you money but also contribute to a more comfortable and energy-efficient home. So, don’t wait any longer—start implementing these solutions today and enjoy the benefits of a more efficient furnace and lower energy bills. Contact us today!

5 Indicators You Can’t Ignore for Water Heater Repair

Are you worried that your water heater may be on its last leg? If so, then it’s important to be aware of the warning signs that could indicate a need for water heater repair. From strange noises to an unreliable hot water supply, there are several telltale indicators that can alert you to an impending water heater issue. Read on to discover five of the most common symptoms that signify you may need to have your water heater serviced.

1) Increased Heating Time

If you find yourself waiting longer and longer for your water to heat up, it could be a sign that your water heater is in trouble. Increased heating time is a common symptom of a failing water heater, and it’s not something you should ignore.

There are a few reasons why your water heater might be taking longer to heat up. One possibility is that the heating element is wearing out or malfunctioning. Over time, the heating element can become coated with sediment, which reduces its ability to heat the water efficiently. Another possible cause is a buildup of mineral deposits in the tank, which can also hinder the heating process.

Regardless of the cause, if you notice that your water is consistently taking longer to heat up, it’s a good idea to have your water heater inspected by a professional. They can diagnose the issue and recommend the appropriate repairs. Ignoring the problem could lead to further damage and potentially even a complete breakdown of your water heater.

2) Rust or Corrosion on the Tank

Rust or corrosion on your water heater tank can be a major red flag that your unit requires repair. While it may be easy to dismiss some rust or discoloration as normal wear and tear, it’s important not to ignore it. Rust can weaken the tank and cause leaks, leading to potential water damage in your home.

Corrosion can also be a sign of a failing water heater. It can indicate that the sacrificial anode rod, which is responsible for attracting corrosive elements in the water, is no longer functioning effectively. When the anode rod is depleted, the tank itself becomes vulnerable to corrosion.

If you notice any rust or corrosion on your water heater tank, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly. Call a professional water heater repair technician who can assess the situation and determine the best course of action. They may recommend replacing the anode rod or even the entire tank if the corrosion is severe. Acting early on can help prolong the lifespan of your water heater and prevent further damage to your home.


Rust and/or corrosion on your water heater is an indicator that something is likely wrong with the unit and requires immediate service and attention.

3) Strange Noises Coming from the Tank

Is your water heater making strange noises that have you on edge? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Strange noises coming from the tank are one of the most common indicators that your water heater needs repair. These noises can range from banging and clanging to hissing and popping sounds. While it may be tempting to ignore these sounds and hope they go away, it’s important to address them promptly to avoid further damage to your water heater.

One possible cause of these strange noises is a buildup of minerals and debris at the bottom of the tank. Over time, these items can accumulate, creating a layer of sediment that interferes with the proper functioning of the heater. This accumulation can result in the tank overheating, leading to those unsettling sounds. Another potential culprit is a faulty heating element or a loose part inside the tank.

4) Leaks Around the Water Heater

Leaking around your water heater is not a symptom you can afford to ignore. Even a small leak can quickly escalate into a major issue, causing water damage to your home and potentially leading to costly repairs that are commonly not covered under insurance. If you notice water pooling around the base of your water heater or dripping from the pipes or fittings, it’s important to take immediate action.

There are a few potential causes of leaks around your water heater. It could be a loose or damaged pipe connection, a faulty temperature and pressure relief valve, or even a cracked tank.

If you see this occurrence, the first step to mitigation is to turn off the power and water supply to the water heater. This will help minimize any potential damage while you wait for a professional to assess the situation. They may need to replace a faulty valve, tighten loose connections, or, in some cases, replace the entire unit. It’s important not to attempt any repairs yourself, as working with water heaters can be dangerous without the proper knowledge and experience!


If you notice your water heater leaking, even a little bit, it could be a sign of something greater (and potentially more costly) about to occur. Call your local professional immediately!

5) Age of the Water Heater

Over time, your water heater will inevitably start to show signs of age. The average lifespan of a water heater is around 8 to 12 years, depending on the type and maintenance. As your water heater gets older, it becomes more prone to issues and inefficiencies. It’s important to be aware of the age of your water heater and the potential problems that can arise.

As mentioned, the most common issue with an older water heater is sediment buildup. Excess accumulation can hinder the heating process and decrease the efficiency of the unit, resulting in longer heating times, reduced hot water supply, and even strange noises. Additionally, an aging water heater may develop leaks or corrosion, which can lead to water damage in your home.

If your water heater is nearing the end of its expected lifespan, it’s wise to consider replacing it before it fails completely. Upgrading to a new, energy-efficient water heater can not only prevent unexpected breakdowns but also save you money on your utility bills.

We Can Help

There are several indicators that your water heater may need repair. From increased heating time to strange noises coming from the tank, these signs should not be ignored. Rust or corrosion on the tank and leaks around the water heater are also red flags that should be addressed promptly. Additionally, considering the age of your water heater is important, as older units are more prone to issues and inefficiencies.

If you notice any of these symptoms, act immediately. Ignoring the warning signs can lead to more extensive damage, costly repairs, and potential water damage in your home. Contact us today and we’ll be happy to review your situation with practical solutions for your budget and needs!

Revolutionizing Your Oil Storage with Roth Oil Tanks

Roth oil tanks are known for their superior quality and impressive features, making them one of the most popular oil storage solutions on the market. In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about Roth oil tanks, including their features, benefits, and installation process. Read on to learn more and revolutionize your oil storage today!

Explore the Distinction of Roth Oil Tanks


If you are a homeowner looking for a safe and reliable way to store oil, a Roth oil tank is the way to go.

A Roth oil tank is a revolutionary storage solution for homeowners looking for a safe and reliable way to store oil. Designed with the highest standards of quality and innovation, Roth oil tanks offer unique features and benefits that set them apart from traditional oil storage options:

  1. Superior Durability: Roth oil tanks are constructed with a double-wall design, providing an extra layer of protection against leaks and spills. This construction ensures that your oil stays safely contained, reducing the risk of environmental damage and costly clean-ups. The tanks are also made from seamless polyethylene, which is corrosion-resistant and resistant to rust, enabling your tank to last for years without requiring frequent maintenance or replacement.
  2. Increased Efficiency: With Roth oil tanks, you can expect excellent fuel efficiency. The tanks are designed to minimize the evaporation of oil, reducing waste and saving you money in the long run. Additionally, the lightweight design of Roth oil tanks makes installation quick and easy, saving you time and hassle.
  3. Unrivaled Versatility: Roth oil tanks come in a variety of sizes to suit different needs and spaces. Whether you need a smaller tank for residential use or a larger tank for commercial purposes, there is a Roth oil tank that will meet your requirements. This flexibility ensures that you can find the perfect tank for your specific needs.
  4. Environmental Friendliness: Roth oil tanks are manufactured using environmentally friendly materials and methods. The tanks are made from recyclable materials, reducing their impact on the environment. Additionally, the double-wall construction helps prevent oil leaks, protecting the surrounding soil and groundwater from contamination.

Types of Roth Oil Tanks

oil tanks

There are many options when it comes to selecting a Roth oil tank that fits your needs.

When it comes to Roth oil tanks, you have a variety of options to choose from. These tanks are designed to suit different needs and spaces, ensuring that there is a perfect solution for everyone. Let’s explore the types of Roth oil tanks available:

  1. Residential Tanks: If you’re a homeowner looking for a reliable and efficient oil storage solution, Roth offers residential tanks specifically designed for residential use. These tanks come in various sizes to accommodate different household needs, from small tanks for compact spaces to larger tanks for homes with higher oil consumption.
  2. Commercial Tanks: For businesses and commercial properties that require larger oil storage capacities, Roth offers commercial tanks that are built to withstand heavy usage. These tanks are available in larger sizes and can safely store a significant amount of oil, ensuring that you never run out of fuel during peak periods.
  3. Indoor Tanks: If you prefer to keep your oil storage solution indoors, Roth offers indoor tanks that are designed to fit in basements, garages, or utility rooms. These tanks are built with safety features to prevent leaks and spills, ensuring that your oil is stored securely within your property.
  4. Outdoor Tanks: If you have ample outdoor space and prefer to keep your oil storage solution outside, Roth offers outdoor tanks that are built to withstand the elements. These tanks are made from durable materials that are resistant to rust and corrosion, ensuring that they remain in excellent condition even in harsh weather conditions.

Installation of Roth Oil Tanks


Having a Roth oil tank installed is a simple process that provides great return on your investment in the long run.

Installing a Roth oil tank is a straightforward and hassle-free process:

  1. Site Preparation: Before installing your Roth oil tank, you need to prepare the site where the tank will be placed. Choose a flat and level surface, free from any obstructions or debris. Ensure that the area is easily accessible for refilling and maintenance.
  2. Tank Placement: Carefully position the Roth oil tank on the prepared site. Make sure it is securely placed and stable. If you are installing an indoor tank, ensure that there is enough ventilation to prevent the buildup of fumes. For outdoor tanks, consider placing it in a shaded area to minimize exposure to sunlight.
  3. Connections: Connect the oil supply line to the tank. It is essential to follow local building codes and regulations when making the connections. If you are unsure about the process, it is recommended to consult with a professional to ensure a safe and compliant installation.
  4. Tank Support: For larger tanks, it may be necessary to install additional support to ensure the tank remains stable and secure. This bracing can be done by using concrete pads or blocks placed under the tank.
  5. Testing and Inspection: Once the tank is installed, it is crucial to test it for leaks and perform a thorough inspection. Check all connections and fittings for any signs of leakage. Additionally, ensure that the tank’s fill and vent pipes are properly secured.

Maintenance of Roth Oil Tanks


Making sure each part of your Roth oil tank is properly maintained and working is key to proactively taking care of your system.

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your Roth oil tank. By following a few simple maintenance steps, you can keep your tank in optimal condition and avoid costly repairs or replacements.

Regular inspections are key to identifying any potential issues early on. Inspect your tank for signs of damage, such as cracks, leaks, or corrosion. Check the fittings and connections to ensure they are secure and tight. If you notice any problems, it’s important to address them promptly to prevent further damage.

Cleaning your Roth oil tank is also important to keep it functioning at its best. Regularly remove any debris or sediment that may have accumulated in the tank. This process can be done by using a vacuum or siphoning device. Clean the tank’s exterior to remove any dirt or grime that may have built up.

Additionally, it’s important to monitor the oil levels in your tank regularly. This process will help you avoid running out of oil and ensure that your tank is operating efficiently. Check for any signs of oil contamination, such as water or sludge, as this can affect the quality of your fuel.

If you’re unsure about how to properly maintain your Roth oil tank, it’s always best to consult with us. We can provide guidance on maintenance practices specific to your tank and ensure that you’re following all necessary regulations and guidelines.

Valiant Energy Is Here to Help!

At Valiant Energy Solutions, we understand the importance of finding the right oil storage solution for your needs. That’s why we are here to help you every step of the way when it comes to Roth oil tanks. With years of experience in the industry, we have extensive knowledge of Roth oil tanks and their benefits. We can answer any questions you may have and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision. Whether you’re unsure about the size of tank you need or have concerns about installation, our team is here to assist you.

Not only can we help you choose the right Roth oil tank, but we can also assist with the installation process. Our skilled technicians have the expertise to ensure that your tank is installed safely and compliantly. We will handle all the necessary steps, from site preparation to connections, to ensure a seamless and efficient installation. We can also assist with any repairs or maintenance needs that may arise down the line, ensuring that your oil storage solution continues to perform at its best.

At Valiant Energy Solutions, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service and support. We are committed to helping you find the best oil storage solution and providing you with peace of mind knowing that your oil is stored securely and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your Roth oil tank needs.

Don’t Get Stuck with Dirty Filters: The Ultimate Oil Tank Filter Guide

Are you looking for an innovative way to keep your oil tank clean and its filters in top condition? Look no further! In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about maintaining the performance of your oil tank’s filters. We’ll cover how to change them, clean them, and even provide some tips on how to extend the life of your filters. Don’t get stuck with dirty filters—let this ultimate oil tank filter guide help you out!

The Importance of Regular Oil Tank Filter Maintenance


Maintaining and having your oil tank regularly serviced is crucial to the lifespan of your oil tank system.

Regular oil tank filter maintenance is crucial for ensuring the efficiency and longevity of your oil tank system. Ignoring or neglecting this important task can lead to a host of issues that can be costly to repair and inconvenient to deal with.

One of the main reasons why regular oil tank filter maintenance is important is because it prevents the accumulation of dirt, debris, and sludge in your filters. Over time, these particles can clog the filters and restrict the flow of oil, causing your heating system to work harder and consume more energy, resulting in higher energy bills. By regularly cleaning or replacing your oil tank filters, you can ensure that your system is operating at its optimal level and prevent unnecessary strain on your heating system.

Another reason why regular oil tank filter maintenance is important is for prevention. Dirty filters can also lead to a buildup of contaminants in your overall system, which can ultimately damage the tank and its components. This obstruction can lead to leaks, malfunctions, and even potential environmental hazards. By regularly maintaining your oil tank filters, you can prevent these issues from occurring.

Finally, regular oil tank filter maintenance is also an educational opportunity. By getting into the habit of checking and cleaning or replacing your filters, you become more familiar with the inner workings of your oil tank system. This knowledge can help you identify any potential issues or abnormalities early on, allowing you to seek the necessary repairs or professional assistance before the situation worsens.

Tools You Need to Change and Clean Your Filter


Ensuring you have the proper tools to change and clean your oil tank filter is essential to keeping your system in tac.

When it comes to changing and cleaning your oil tank filter, having the right tools can make all the difference. While the specific tools needed may vary depending on your specific oil tank system, there are some essential items that you’ll need to have on hand:

  1. First and foremost, you’ll need a pair of protective gloves. Gloves ensure your safety and prevent any direct contact with the oil or any potentially harmful contaminants. Additionally, you’ll want to have a bucket or container to collect any oil that may spill during the process.
  2. Next, you’ll need a wrench or pliers to loosen and remove the filter housing. These tools allow you to access the filter itself for cleaning or replacement. Make sure to choose a wrench or pliers that are the right size and type for your specific oil tank system.
  3. In some cases, you may also need a screwdriver or socket wrench to remove any screws or bolts that are holding the filter housing in place. Again, it’s important to have the right size and type of tool to avoid damaging any components of your oil tank system.
  4. Lastly, having a clean cloth or rag can be handy for wiping away any dirt or debris from the filter housing or surrounding areas.

If you’re unsure about the specific tools needed for your oil tank system, it’s always best to consult a professional or an expert in the field.

Follow These Steps to Change Your Oil Tank Filter with Ease

steps tanks

It is important to know that changing your oil tank filter is an easy process that can be done by anyone as long as they have the proper tools and knowledge.

Changing your oil tank filter is a relatively simple process that can be done by anyone with a little guidance and the right tools (see above). Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Make sure you’re wearing your protective gloves during this process.
  2. Begin by turning off your oil tank’s power supply. This action will prevent any accidents or injuries while you’re working on the filter.
  3. Locate the filter housing, which is typically located near the oil tank. Use your wrench or pliers to loosen and remove the housing cover. Be careful not to damage any components in the process.
  4. Once the housing cover is removed, you can access the old filter. Carefully remove the old filter from the housing, taking note of its orientation.
  5. Take your new filter and place it in the housing, making sure it’s in the same orientation as the old one. Double-check that it fits securely in the housing.
  6. Replace the housing cover and tighten it with your wrench or pliers. Make sure it’s secure, but avoid overtightening to prevent damage.
  7. Finally, turn the power supply back on and check for any leaks or abnormalities. If everything looks good, you’re all set!

Remember, if you’re unsure about any step or encounter any difficulties, it’s always best to consult an expert or a professional from Valiant Energy Solutions.

Utilize These Steps to Clean Your Oil Tank Filter


Making sure your oil tank filter is clean is essential in prolonging the longevity of the filter.

Now that you know how to change your oil tank filter, it’s time to learn how to clean it. Cleaning your oil tank filter is the key to efficiency:

  1. First, ensure that all proper safety measures are taken. This step includes putting on your protective gloves for this process.
  2. Start by turning off the power supply to your oil tank to avoid any accidents or injuries during the cleaning process.
  3. Locate the filter housing, which is typically near the oil tank. Use your wrench or pliers to remove the housing cover carefully.
  4. Take out the filter from the housing and inspect it for any dirt or debris. If it appears clogged or dirty, it’s time for a thorough cleaning.
  5. Prepare a bucket or container filled with warm soapy water. Gently immerse the filter in the water and use a soft brush or cloth to scrub away any dirt or grime. Be sure to clean both sides of the filter thoroughly.
  6. Rinse the filter with clean water to remove any soap residue. Make sure to wash away all the dirt and debris from the filter.
  7. Allow the filter to dry completely before reinserting it into the housing. Ensure it is dry to avoid any moisture buildup in the filter.
  8. Put the filter back into the housing and securely fasten the housing cover using your wrench or pliers.
  9. Turn the power supply back on and check for any leaks or abnormalities. If everything looks good, congratulations, you’ve successfully cleaned your oil tank filter!

Cleaning your oil tank filter should be done regularly to maintain its efficiency. By following this step-by-step guide, you can keep your oil tank running smoothly and prevent any potential issues caused by dirty filters.

We Can Help 24/7

At Valiant Energy Solutions, we believe that regular oil tank filter maintenance is a service that lasts. By dedicating time and effort to properly maintain your filters, you can extend the lifespan of your oil tank, prevent costly repairs, and ultimately save money on energy bills. Don’t overlook the importance of regular maintenance – let us help you keep your oil tank clean and efficient for years to come. DIY is great, but let us take the guesswork out of the process and save you time and money.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you with your oil tank filter needs.

Sump Pump Tips and Tricks: Invaluable Knowledge for Homeowners

A sump pump is a crucial asset for homeowners that can protect their homes from flooding and other water damage. In this blog, we will explain the importance of sump pump knowledge and proactive maintenance tips to ensure your family avoids unwanted home repairs and damage.

What Is A Sump Pump?

This question may seem obvious, but there are so many facets to sump pumps that can be easily overlooked.

A sump pump is an invaluable tool for homeowners, especially those living in areas prone to flooding or excessive groundwater. It is a mechanical device that is installed in a basement or a crawlspace to prevent water from accumulating and causing damage. Its primary function is to pump out water that collects in a sump pit, which is a small hole or pit located at the lowest point of the basement floor.

Did you know that over 60% of American homes experience some form of basement water problems? In states like Connecticut, where heavy rains and snowmelt are common, sump pumps play a crucial role in protecting basements from flooding. According to the National Association of Home Builders, Connecticut is among the top 10 states with the highest percentage of homes with basements.

sump pit

Sump pumps are a necessity when it comes to protecting your home from water damage, increasing filtration, and reducing runoff.

How Does A Sump Pump Work?

At its core, a sump pump is designed to remove water that accumulates in a sump pit, a small pit located in the basement or crawlspace of a home. The process begins when the water level in the sump pit rises to a predetermined level. This triggers a float switch or a pressure sensor, which then activates the pump. The pump, typically powered by electricity, consists of a motor and an impeller. As the impeller rotates, it creates a centrifugal force that propels the water through the pipes and out of the pit.

It is important to note that not all sump pumps are created equal. There are submersible pumps that are placed directly in the pit, as well as pedestal pumps that are installed above the pit. The latter is often easier to access for maintenance and repairs.

water hose

Sump pumps work by transferring the water to another point in the house or outdoors.

Benefits of Having A Sump Pump

A sump pump provides a range of benefits that can protect your property and safeguard your belongings:

  1. One of the primary benefits is its ability to prevent water damage. With heavy rainstorms becoming more frequent, homes are at an increased risk of flooding. A sump pump can effectively remove water from the basement or crawl space, preventing costly water damage and the growth of mold and mildew.
  2. Additionally, a sump pump can help to maintain the structural integrity of your home. Excess water can weaken the foundation and lead to cracks and structural damage. By removing the water efficiently, a sump pump can minimize these risks, saving you from potentially expensive repairs in the long run.
  3. Another benefit of having a sump pump is its ability to protect your belongings. Whether it’s a finished basement or storage area, valuable items can be destroyed by water damage. With a sump pump in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your belongings are safe and protected.
  4. Furthermore, an energy-efficient sump pump can also contribute to better indoor air quality. Excess moisture can create a breeding ground for mold and mildew, leading to respiratory issues and allergies. By removing the excess moisture, a sump pump helps to create a healthier living environment.

Upgrade Your Home

Valiant Energy Solutions has been a leader in sump pump installation and maintenance for many years. Our experienced technicians provide comprehensive sump pump services that can help protect your home from water damage. We also offer emergency services, so if the worst should happen and your sump pump fails, our team can be there to start the repair process. We also offer energy-efficient sump pumps that can help reduce your water consumption and save you money. By using the latest technologies and high-efficiency pumps, we can provide you with a reliable and efficient solution.

If you want to experience the highest performance possible with a reliable sump pump system, contact our team today to get your installation or maintenance scheduled. Our solutions experts are eager to speak with you about how the right sump pump can enhance your home.

Best Practices for Home Generator Maintenance: Embrace Innovation and Extend Its Lifespan

We all know that generators provide a reliable source of power in times of need, but keeping them running for years to come requires more than just flipping a switch. Home generator maintenance is becoming increasingly important as we embrace innovation and strive to extend the lifespan of these vital machines. Whether you’re just getting started with your first generator or are a seasoned pro, understanding the basics of generator maintenance is key to ensuring a long and successful lifespan. In this blog, we’ll explore the future of home generator maintenance and service tips that will help you keep your generator running for years to come.

Understand The Importance of Home Generator Maintenance

Neglecting proper maintenance can lead to a decrease in performance and even irreversible damage. Statistics reveal that more than 70% of generator failures occur due to poor maintenance practices. This alarming number highlights the need for homeowners to prioritize generator maintenance. Regular servicing ensures optimal performance and ultimately saves homeowners from expensive repairs or replacements down the line.

It is essential to understand that a home generator consists of various key components, including the engine, alternator, and fuel system. Each component has a specific lifespan, and regular maintenance helps to identify and address any potential issues before they become major problems. Regular maintenance is not only about ensuring the longevity of the generator but also about ensuring its reliability during power outages. When a storm hits or an unexpected power outage occurs, having a properly maintained generator ensures that your home continues to function smoothly, providing peace of mind and comfort for you and your loved ones.

Innovations in Generator Maintenance

Innovative approaches to generator maintenance have revolutionized the way homeowners can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of their generators. With advancements in technology, generator maintenance has become more efficient and effective than ever before. From smart monitoring systems that provide real-time data on the generator’s performance to automated maintenance reminders, these innovations make it easier for homeowners to stay on top of their generator maintenance responsibilities.

When it comes to the best home generator brands for Connecticut, Generac stands out as a top choice. This innovative company provides powerful generators that are both trustworthy and reliable. Generac boasts a wide variety of residential, commercial, and industrial generators, making them the perfect choice no matter the size or type of generator needed. From automatic standby generators to portable generators, Generac has a solution to fit any budget and household.

Home Generator

Generac is a reliable generator brand that has a solution to fit any budget and and need, including portable home generators.

Best Practices for Home Generator Maintenance

  1. Regular Inspections: One of the best practices for maintaining an efficient home generator is to schedule regular inspections by a professional. These experts have the knowledge and experience to identify any potential issues and address them before they escalate into major problems. Generac recommends an annual inspection to ensure your generator is running smoothly and efficiently.
  2. Keep it Clean: Another important practice is to keep your home generator clean and free from debris. Regularly clean the air intake and exhaust vents to prevent blockages that can hinder its performance. Additionally, ensure that the surrounding area is free from clutter or vegetation that could obstruct proper ventilation.
  3. Battery Maintenance: The battery is a crucial component of your home generator. It is important to check the battery regularly, clean its terminals, and ensure it is properly charged. Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or seek advice from professionals to determine the appropriate battery maintenance routine for your specific generator model.
  4. Fuel Maintenance: To keep your generator running efficiently, it is essential to maintain the fuel system. Regularly test and replace the fuel, and make sure it is stored in a clean and properly labeled container. Fuel should be stabilized to prevent degradation, and the fuel filters should be replaced as recommended by the manufacturer.
  5. Exercise the Generator: Regularly exercising your home generator helps maintain its overall performance. Experts recommend running the generator at least once a month for 20-30 minutes, ideally under a moderate load. This exercise helps lubricate the engine, charge the battery, and keeps the generator ready for use during power outages.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your home generator remains efficient, reliable, and ready to power your home when you need it most. Remember, it’s always a good idea to consult professionals and refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific maintenance instructions.

generator maintenance

Owning a home means understanding the importance of maintaining your home generator and ensuring it meets manufacturer recommended standards and best practices.

Hiring Professional Services for Home Generator Maintenance

When it comes to ensuring the longevity and reliable operation of your home generator, there’s no substitute for the expertise and professionalism of a trusted service provider. That’s where Valiant Energy Solutions comes in. With a team of dedicated experts in home generator maintenance, we are well-equipped to handle all your maintenance needs.

Our professionals are trained to understand the intricacies of home generator systems and are equipped with the latest tools and techniques to provide top-notch service. From routine inspections and tune-ups to major repairs, we have the knowledge and experience to keep your generator running smoothly for years to come.

One of the key advantages of hiring professional services for home generator maintenance is the peace of mind that comes with knowing the job is being done right. Our team is familiar with all makes and models of home generators, so you can trust that we have the expertise to identify any potential issues and address them promptly. In addition to our technical expertise, our professionals are also well-versed in safety regulations and guidelines. This ensures that all maintenance work is carried out in compliance with industry standards, reducing the risk of accidents or damage to your generator.

When it comes to the future of home generator maintenance, it’s clear that embracing innovation and relying on professional services is the way to go. At Valiant Energy, we have the capability and expertise to handle the full installation including propane, which sets us apart from other providers in Connecticut.

Contact Valiant Energy Solutions today to schedule an appointment with our experts and take the first step towards extending the lifespan of your home generator. And, if you don’t currently own a home generator, our team of solutions experts can assist by selecting the best option that suits your family and your budget.