oil tank

Don’t Get Stuck with Dirty Filters: The Ultimate Oil Tank Filter Guide

August 23, 2023

Are you looking for an innovative way to keep your oil tank clean and its filters in top condition? Look no further! In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about maintaining the performance of your oil tank’s filters. We’ll cover how to change them, clean them, and even provide some tips on how to extend the life of your filters. Don’t get stuck with dirty filters—let this ultimate oil tank filter guide help you out!

The Importance of Regular Oil Tank Filter Maintenance


Maintaining and having your oil tank regularly serviced is crucial to the lifespan of your oil tank system.

Regular oil tank filter maintenance is crucial for ensuring the efficiency and longevity of your oil tank system. Ignoring or neglecting this important task can lead to a host of issues that can be costly to repair and inconvenient to deal with.

One of the main reasons why regular oil tank filter maintenance is important is because it prevents the accumulation of dirt, debris, and sludge in your filters. Over time, these particles can clog the filters and restrict the flow of oil, causing your heating system to work harder and consume more energy, resulting in higher energy bills. By regularly cleaning or replacing your oil tank filters, you can ensure that your system is operating at its optimal level and prevent unnecessary strain on your heating system.

Another reason why regular oil tank filter maintenance is important is for prevention. Dirty filters can also lead to a buildup of contaminants in your overall system, which can ultimately damage the tank and its components. This obstruction can lead to leaks, malfunctions, and even potential environmental hazards. By regularly maintaining your oil tank filters, you can prevent these issues from occurring.

Finally, regular oil tank filter maintenance is also an educational opportunity. By getting into the habit of checking and cleaning or replacing your filters, you become more familiar with the inner workings of your oil tank system. This knowledge can help you identify any potential issues or abnormalities early on, allowing you to seek the necessary repairs or professional assistance before the situation worsens.

Tools You Need to Change and Clean Your Filter


Ensuring you have the proper tools to change and clean your oil tank filter is essential to keeping your system in tac.

When it comes to changing and cleaning your oil tank filter, having the right tools can make all the difference. While the specific tools needed may vary depending on your specific oil tank system, there are some essential items that you’ll need to have on hand:

  1. First and foremost, you’ll need a pair of protective gloves. Gloves ensure your safety and prevent any direct contact with the oil or any potentially harmful contaminants. Additionally, you’ll want to have a bucket or container to collect any oil that may spill during the process.
  2. Next, you’ll need a wrench or pliers to loosen and remove the filter housing. These tools allow you to access the filter itself for cleaning or replacement. Make sure to choose a wrench or pliers that are the right size and type for your specific oil tank system.
  3. In some cases, you may also need a screwdriver or socket wrench to remove any screws or bolts that are holding the filter housing in place. Again, it’s important to have the right size and type of tool to avoid damaging any components of your oil tank system.
  4. Lastly, having a clean cloth or rag can be handy for wiping away any dirt or debris from the filter housing or surrounding areas.

If you’re unsure about the specific tools needed for your oil tank system, it’s always best to consult a professional or an expert in the field.

Follow These Steps to Change Your Oil Tank Filter with Ease

steps tanks

It is important to know that changing your oil tank filter is an easy process that can be done by anyone as long as they have the proper tools and knowledge.

Changing your oil tank filter is a relatively simple process that can be done by anyone with a little guidance and the right tools (see above). Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Make sure you’re wearing your protective gloves during this process.
  2. Begin by turning off your oil tank’s power supply. This action will prevent any accidents or injuries while you’re working on the filter.
  3. Locate the filter housing, which is typically located near the oil tank. Use your wrench or pliers to loosen and remove the housing cover. Be careful not to damage any components in the process.
  4. Once the housing cover is removed, you can access the old filter. Carefully remove the old filter from the housing, taking note of its orientation.
  5. Take your new filter and place it in the housing, making sure it’s in the same orientation as the old one. Double-check that it fits securely in the housing.
  6. Replace the housing cover and tighten it with your wrench or pliers. Make sure it’s secure, but avoid overtightening to prevent damage.
  7. Finally, turn the power supply back on and check for any leaks or abnormalities. If everything looks good, you’re all set!

Remember, if you’re unsure about any step or encounter any difficulties, it’s always best to consult an expert or a professional from Valiant Energy Solutions.

Utilize These Steps to Clean Your Oil Tank Filter


Making sure your oil tank filter is clean is essential in prolonging the longevity of the filter.

Now that you know how to change your oil tank filter, it’s time to learn how to clean it. Cleaning your oil tank filter is the key to efficiency:

  1. First, ensure that all proper safety measures are taken. This step includes putting on your protective gloves for this process.
  2. Start by turning off the power supply to your oil tank to avoid any accidents or injuries during the cleaning process.
  3. Locate the filter housing, which is typically near the oil tank. Use your wrench or pliers to remove the housing cover carefully.
  4. Take out the filter from the housing and inspect it for any dirt or debris. If it appears clogged or dirty, it’s time for a thorough cleaning.
  5. Prepare a bucket or container filled with warm soapy water. Gently immerse the filter in the water and use a soft brush or cloth to scrub away any dirt or grime. Be sure to clean both sides of the filter thoroughly.
  6. Rinse the filter with clean water to remove any soap residue. Make sure to wash away all the dirt and debris from the filter.
  7. Allow the filter to dry completely before reinserting it into the housing. Ensure it is dry to avoid any moisture buildup in the filter.
  8. Put the filter back into the housing and securely fasten the housing cover using your wrench or pliers.
  9. Turn the power supply back on and check for any leaks or abnormalities. If everything looks good, congratulations, you’ve successfully cleaned your oil tank filter!

Cleaning your oil tank filter should be done regularly to maintain its efficiency. By following this step-by-step guide, you can keep your oil tank running smoothly and prevent any potential issues caused by dirty filters.

We Can Help 24/7

At Valiant Energy Solutions, we believe that regular oil tank filter maintenance is a service that lasts. By dedicating time and effort to properly maintain your filters, you can extend the lifespan of your oil tank, prevent costly repairs, and ultimately save money on energy bills. Don’t overlook the importance of regular maintenance – let us help you keep your oil tank clean and efficient for years to come. DIY is great, but let us take the guesswork out of the process and save you time and money.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you with your oil tank filter needs.